J.L. Rocha Holiday Style Guide: Halloween Fashion

Year after year there are Halloween parties. Your friends will call you and invite you to their house last minute for dinner, dancing, and handing out candy. In the hours that you spend scrambling between work and home trying to come up with a costume for your plans, don't forget you have a secret weapon in your closet: Your J.L. Rocha Jacket. Check out these costume options to get you through your hallows eve plans: 

1. Arrow

You'll look extremely super when you change up your J.L. Rocha Lambskin Hoodie into a heroic costume. D.C. Superhero arrow is the crusader with cool who knows that a hooded leather jacket doesn't just add style but also protects your secret identity. 


2. Terminator  

A throwback is always a good choice for a halloween costume. You avoid the problem of a lot of people asking you who you're dressed up as. Luckily you can be both futuristic and retro when you dress as The Terminator. Just grab your favorite glasses, a black T shirt and your J.L. Rocha mixed media asymmetrical jacket and you're on your way. The wool has got you covered when the weather gets chilly,  the leather keeps you in that classic supremo jacket style. 


3. Wolverine

When it comes to cool, few can traverse the decades of style that the anti-hero has undergone. Arguably one of the most important characters in the Marvel Franchise (with an incredible nine films) this rugged man is a staple costume for the wolverine inside all of us. It's the perfect time to sport your Luis Perforated jacket, all you need is: some boots, a tank top, and some wide cut blue jeans. 


4. Jack Reacher

Getting ready for a costume party might seem like an impossible mission, but luckily we know a guy. Tom Cruise is no slouch when it comes to action packed style. In his 2012 action hit Jack Reacher, the honorable vigilante keeps his cool in the right leather jacket. It's easy to do the same with our suede taupe minimalist jacket. Slide it over your favorite flannel and some jeans and you're ready for action. 


5. Han Solo 

Even as time passes, style matters in space. It's known in a galaxy far far away that Han Solo is the man with style. In the new star wars film The Force Awakens, Han Solo looks ready to save the galaxy in his gear. Be heroic by wearing our chocolate brown Moto Jacket, a white shirt, and some brown pants. May the force be with you. 


So there you have it, five perfect costumes that are sure to turn heads for creativity and quality. Our holiday guide to Halloween style. Be sure to tag us in any pictures and stay safe this halloween weekend. Stay tuned for more posts and be sure to like, subscribe, and share. 

-J.L. Rocha