Holidays and Leather Goods in Mexico

The Posada, Production, Aguinaldo, and the Guadalupe Reyes

This time of year is joyous, humbling, and tricky for J.L. Rocha when it comes to manufacturing. Because we have the opportunity to celebrate our victories, provide you with holiday savings, and value our staff with extra time spent at home. Our factories close between December 12th and and January 6th every year in observation of what we call the Las Fiestas de Guadalupe-Reyes, or the celebration of Guadalupe-Reyes. It signifies a time of rest and celebration between El Dia De Guadalupe (the day of the Virgin of Guadalupe) and El Dia de Los Reyes (the day of the three Kong’s. Both days are culturally significant days specifically tied to the Catholic and cultural history of Mexico, and the period between these days dedicated to holiday posadas and receiving your “Aguinaldo” or Holiday/Work Bonus. For those of you who haven’t celebrated a posada or aren’t familiar with México / Mexican traditions, here is a breakdown of the season in relation to our industries and for our artisans:

[J.L. Rocha Collections does not speak on behalf of any other businesses, practices, or people’s - variations on these definitions and practices exist in other individuals, businesses, & communities]

What are the Posadas?

The tradition of Posadas is a cultural practice meant to represent and honor the journey of Mary and Joseph during the birth of Christ - a highly catholic practice as is commonplace within Mexico, although other religious groups exist. Posadas are, historically, Church observations accompanied by productions where local youth walk through the town with their congregation leading up to a feast of celebration. Some modern household Posadas have opted out of traditional Church services and days of observation to use Posadas as a time for large gatherings and feasts: family, friends, and community. Here at J.L. Rocha we have near 10 different Posadas between family, friends, and all of our staff.

What is the Aguinaldo?

The Aguinaldo is a legally mandated 15 day bonus in addition to hours worked for the last 15 days of the month. Here’s a great resource outlining paid time off in Mexico. We shut down our facilities for the 25 days of paid time off in addition to this because know the work is hard. Producing our products and manufacturing in general is a difficult and noble art form that can result in serious injury and takes sharp focus and dedication for large stretches of time. We take for granted what freedoms we have and the time we get at home, and in many countries the labor laws are not as kind as we have the privilege to be: we take our responsibility of kindness very seriously. When we make excessive amounts of products and demand creates excessive waste, we endanger the value of the lives that create the world we live in and love as well as the products that help us do so. We hope to provide the best quality of product not only for the individual that wears our garment but also for the people who make them. The kindness of individuals like you make this all possible for the amazing people who make up this large extended family.

Thank you.