The Future of J.L. Rocha Luxury Menswear

The Future of J.L. Rocha Luxury Menswear

Reflections on this 2020, and coming year.

There’s no mistaking the stress or challenge of this year; for many individuals life has seen changes, losses, and needed the resolve for inner strength more than ever. We cannot ignore the human cost of this pandemic, the effects of the luxury leather industry on climate change, or the need for community now more than ever. These objectives and reflections have led us to make choices regarding the future of our brand, and what we aim to accomplish. We hope you enjoy this post on the changes we will be making, and get excited for the new changes.


Acknowledging the Cost:

We cannot move forward unless we understand what we have left behind. The changes we strive to make come rooted deeply in our consideration for all the entities that our products affect:

  • The quality of handcrafted details for our honored individual supporters who wear our products.

  • The value of our artisans, and their lives - ensuring they are cared for and always honing their craft for future generations.

  • and The environmental impact and treatment of animals in relation to the production of leather from our tanneries.

These three factors have affected us greatly this year and thusly affected our entire mindset:

“We cannot allow for the sacrificing of quality in any regard - quality of life, quality of work, or quality of experience.”

- José Luis Rocha

There is no doubt to us that the human toll we’ve faced this year is unacceptable, and that the quality of how we care for our community must be increased. We’ve dedicated ourselves to making tough decisions, and focusing primarily on the way our products affect the world and those who wear them. Our dedication comes at no small cost, as we look back on a challenging year for the world and for our brand.

“While we have lost family and friends, we must continue to fight to honor their memory and improve the conditions of not only those affected the deepest - but to all who stand to benefit from increased care and ethics.”

- José Luis Rocha

There is no denying the cost of this challenging tragedy, there is no making up for those individuals who were devastated by the violent changes and unfit conditions, but there is an opportunity to learn and improve. This is where our work takes shape.


Our Plan for the Future:

While our thoughts and prayers reside with everyone undergoing stresses, tragedies, and problems, our actions must seek to affect our future.

“There is no greater honor for us than to do good things in service to our community, our fellow humans, and to our planet. In the interest of these values: J.L. Rocha will be making sweeping changes to the values, quality, and ethics of our brand will adhere to moving into the following year and beyond.”

- José Luis Rocha

We understand that change is never easy, and we find ourselves extremely thankful to be in a position to make these changes. While our offerings of luxury leather jackets, travel bags, dress shoes, and accessories will not change - these are the coming updates you will see taking shape in our brand:

A commitment to ethical production:

We have learned through the events of this year that while we strive to provide handcrafted leather goods made by fair wage artisans, we have a deeper need to elevate our standards of production.

We have made a commitment to work with tanneries, workshops, and haberdasheries that focus on the following three standards:

  1. Ethical and Environmentally Friendly Production: we will work with our talleres to reduce our carbon footprint across the board - engaging our collaborative relationship with Leon, Guanajuato to assist however and whenever possible in green initiatives.

  2. Increased Wages and Securities for Artisans: in all specialties, from leather production to garment cutting and assembling. We have made a new commitment to ensure all our artisans are paid above the traditional salary for manufacturing in Mexico and made an additional effort to come together with our workshops to establish emergency fund and opportunities to assist those most affected in times such as these.

  3. An additional commitment to safety and sanitation: The largest lesson facing us today is how to better care for each other. We have been working tirelessly with our family owned work shops to increase safety and sanitation across all aspects of production. Beyond this - we’ve made additional efforts to increase safety initiatives and training to assure better quality of life for all involved in the production of our handcrafted goods.

A commitment to care:

While we push to improve our workshops accords México, we seek to establish higher end benefits for our community here in the United States. A higher quality production process demands a higher quality product. This has lead us to a series of increased initiatives in production and experience:

  1. Our commitment to our clients: we will make every effort to provide our community with world class handcrafted luxury goods. Dedicating ourselves to a scientific approach to sustainable leather production - finding new ways to tan and dye our skins in ways that provide the best hand feel, finish, and color.

  2. Our commitment to experience: we will be working tirelessly to increase the experience of our website, customer care, and delivery methods. Our goal is to find new and exciting ways to excite, surprise, and delight our new and long time clients.

  3. Our commitment to our community: We’ve learned that through our capacity to serve our friends and neighbors who love J.L. Rocha - we can also take selfless actions as a vehicle for good. We have doubled up our commitment to community service and charitable contribution, assisting against homelessness and poverty in the United States.

While we have made an effort this year to create these changes, many are continuing underway, and will take full effect beginning the new year in 2021. Find out what you can expect to see below.

The Results:

While the coming year welcomes us to a new realm of possibility we want to ensure that you are kept up-to-date on what to expect from us, moving into 2021 these are the changes to expect:

  1. A brand new website - that focuses on our products, our values, and our community. Featuring our historic cotes d’armes.

  2. Our updated values, and newsletter offerings - focusing on you, and making sure we take the time to appreciate what makes you unique, we will be providing more exclusive promotions and experiences available to our newsletter family.

  3. The New - House of Rocha: We’ve already done some construction when it comes to improving our spaces abroad and at home. That includes our brand new J.L. Rocha Clubhouse and Showroom. We will soon be opening for appointments, events, and taking you through tours of exclusive content to welcome you to a more intimate experience with our brand.

  4. The J.L. Rocha Podcast: a brand new and exciting series that will focus on Luxury Menswear, Mexican History, and Sartorial News lead by the voice of our fashion films Jose-Noel Rocha.

  5. New Market Places and Integrations: We want to offer our products across multiple channels to make it easier for your orders to be placed. Coming in 2021 will be new integrations for Instagram, Facebook, and Amazon.

  6. New Collaborations: will be taking place throughout the next years of J.L. Rocha Collections, showcasing the amazing talents of artists, creatives, and individuals across the United States and México!

All this and hopefully more will lead us into the new decade with a clear vision, and a new day to make our best effort for those around us. We cannot state enough, how much we owe our success to the tireless work of our friends, family, and community of artisans and supporters. We owe to you all our success, and hope to count on you for this coming exciting future.

Thank You/Gracias