The Future of J.L. Rocha

J.L. Rocha Values

The Future of J.L. Rocha

Our family owned brand

The last decade has been an honor and a privilege: we started this brand as a way to honor our family history — today that family extends beyond México into multiple continents and thousands of lives.

While the 10 year anniversary of our brand nears the years end, our minds begin to reflect on history while charting a course toward the future. One we hope to continue sharing with you: our community & family.

Family is our foundation,

and family also means you.”

What’s next for our brand?

New decade; New Values

History, ethics, & originality: those values have served us well over the last 10 years and reframe our thinking for the next decade. We’ve refocused our values into three new pillars that will lead us forward:


Family has always been our foundation; and our family is also you.

This core value highlights our mission to honor our families history of craftsmanship while also defining our actions in service to the global family made of J.L. Rocha collectors.

Family remains the most important element of our lives.


The most integral aspect of all expression: quality defines what we do, how we do it, and who we are.

Quality as the degree of excellence of something: represents our focus on crafting exceptionally made ethically sourced leather goods with fair wage, quality focused artisans from our family owned talleres.


Our final objective as a brand, the ultimate representation of well made leather goods.

J.L. Rocha Collections serves to represent and preserve the legacy of leather craftsmanship in Mexico while honoring the legacy of our family.

Each handcrafted collectors piece is a limited edition item made to last generations with proper care and meant to be passed down as heirlooms.

Stand for the right reasons

Everywhere you go.

Our plans moving forward:

Connecting with Community

While our brand has gone global, we want to look closer. Here are some of the plans we have to get to know you:

More family, more videos.

We have a strong family, and a strong community: our brand will be looking for new ways to highlight our adventures and amazing standouts through lifestyle videos and video series.

We want to meet qualitative individuals who stand out for the right reasons in their J.L. Rocha products - as such we will be introducing a new ambassador program in 2023 with unique incentives for getting involved.

The return of luxury menswear:

Our podcast is coming back for the second season of Luxury Menswear: with a deeper look at our family, Mexican history, and Mens style.

The second season will have a strong focus on story telling, while also providing more insights into the history of menswear and J.L. Rocha pieces.

Shop, See, Share

Finally — we’re excited to look for unique ways to get our community to meet our brand; we will be working to partner with family owned boutiques to bring the brand closer to you.

Additionally, we’re certain the next decade will provide new opportunities for meet and greet events in our show room - as well as new giveaway opportunities that reward the stories you tell.

Closing Notes:

“You can’t really know where you’re going, until you know where you’ve been.” A quote that to us represents the importance of reflection, legacy, and values in our family owned brand.

We find continued blessings in this adventure, and we are consistently honored by our growing community; our gratitude and optimism shines on the next decade as we enter it with you.

Thank you for supporting our family, and thank you for standing out for the right reasons.
