What makes a great dad?

J.L. Rocha Collections

What makes a great dad?

Lessons from the Great Dad Giveaway

Our brand DNA comes from family, that’s no secret. Our father-son business takes expertise from three generations of family; to us it’s a pleasure and honor to continue in the traditions of the Rocha Family while working toward a better tomorrow. We have been inspired to continue this mission by our fathers, our families, and our belief in others to uphold the same values we seek to reinforce.

While we look to remember those who came before us, our fathers and forefathers - we also have a duty to inspire the next generations while building a future for them. Our great dad giveaway was inspired by the values passed along by the late Jose Luis Rocha II, our inspiration, father to Jose Luis and grandfather to Jose Noel Rocha. We thank you all for your entries, and we have been touched by the overwhelming amount of submissions.

This blog post covers three lessons we’ve learned from your submissions to our Great Dad Giveaway, and entries we love - as we continue looking for our prize winners, now being announced until June 30th, 2022. Let’s get started:

#1 A great dad is diverse.

“But in the end, he was humble & full of love”

The Entry:

“My father was many things, a surfer, a philosopher, a teacher, a scholar, a salesman, an innovator, a cowboy, a shaman, a rebel, a dreamer, a hard worker, a pacifist, and a friend. But in the end he was only humble and full of love”

- Yamal D

The Lesson we Found:

A dad is someone that’s diverse in many ways, but consistent where it counts. This entry reminds us why we love our core value of individuality, as it pays respect to the need from any father to express themselves uniquely. While we find love is a universal trait constantly necessary when raising a child and living life - creating that love comes from the ability to enjoy your life and express yourself.

Great Dad Traits: Versatility, Humility, Love and Individuality.

#2 A great dad is present.

“showing love in who will carry on a part of who you are”

The Entry:

“I think the ability to show up, no matter the event or it’s importance. Beyond that, it’s in showing all that you’ve learned, in a way that is meant to assist rather than expecting it to been done that way. Lastly, is to show love in who will carry on a part of who you are. Love, educate, and be there. 3 rules to live by as a dad.”

- Josh B

The Lesson we Found:

There’s no substitute for being there. This entry reminds us that a great Dad passes on great values. We were truly touched by this entry as it took us back to lesson we’ve learned from not only conversations with our fathers but from examples. We recall that love is shown in legacy, and memories together will always make a bigger difference than memories made apart.

Great Dad Traits: Strength, attentiveness, leadership, encouragement.

#3 A great dad is always improving.

“you always want what is best for your children”

The Entry:

“This is a question that every father asks themselves once they become a father.

In my opinion what makes a great father, is someone who puts the best quality of life for their children/family first, overall.
No matter who you are, you always want to be a better father than your own father was. It doesn’t matter if your father was the best or the worst, you always want what is best for your children and the life they are living.

When it comes down to it, what are fathers without children in their lives?”

- George M

The Lesson we Found:

It’s okay to be worried, as a matter of fact it’s a good thing! This entry reminds us that fatherhood is always new when first beginning. Family and fatherhood create a drive and priority to making success. Across all fathers the experience should constantly be a continued exploration in how to set an example, how to build a better future, and how to teach the next generation to create fulfilling lives as you have.

Great Dad Traits: Adaptability, resilience, consideration, compassion.

Closing Notes

Our great dad giveaway has been extended until June 30th and we’re incredibly excited. We are humbled, encouraged, and inspired by the amazing entries we’ve received so far, and hope that you’ve found some lessons in what we’ve learned. Thank you to all the great dads out there who are building a lasting legacy, and thank you for supporting our father & son business.

The values we believe in, and the values we will pass on continue to drive our mission to preserve the history of luxury leather craftsmanship in our hometown of Leon, Guanajuato. Just as the Father of our Brand Jose Luis Rocha the II inspired with his teaching, we will work to inspire the future and build a better one for the artisans we care for.

Thank you again for being a part of this legacy, for building your own, and for the values you hold.

- Jose-Noel Rocha: Thank You/Gracias